Author Archives: Rayni Risher

Step Out in Faith…God Responds!

We all have those landmark moments of faith in our walk with God. You know, those God-encounters that boost your faith and propel you forward toward becoming more like Jesus.

One of those moments for me came my sophomore year in college. My pastor had done a lot of research about various historical revivals, including the Welsh revival of 1904. Listen to this! During that time in the country of Wales, there was a huge revival and over a short period of time more than 100,000 came to know Jesus.

It began when a young Welsh man named Evan Roberts, who was passionately committed to Jesus–and spent lots of time studying the Bible and seeking God through prayer–was led by the Spirit to begin preaching with great passion about the salvation God offers through Jesus. Evan had four main points that were a part of his message:

+Confess all known sin.

+Get rid of any ‘doubtful’ habit in your life.

+Obey the Holy Spirit promptly.

+Confess Christ publicly.

Now, back to my sophomore year…

My church held a consecration ceremony where we were offered an opportunity to make a commitment to do those four things I just shared.

So, I did.

It wasn’t just an outward act to go down to the altar and make a commitment…it came from my heart. And let me tell you what happened as a result! I was spontaneously filled with this non-stop, overflowing joy that could only supernaturally come from God.

I didn’t ask for that joy. I wasn’t expecting it. But it surpassed anything I had ever experienced before. And it just kept happening. Every day.

My heart was full of joy all the time. I even found that as I walked to classes I was smiling and saying hello to people I walked by who I didn’t even know. I couldn’t help it! I was joy-full.

I also found that I was so much more free during worship times at church, and didn’t care about what other people thought of me…I just wanted to connect with God and worship Him.


Has something like that ever happened to you? Have you ever had a God-encounter that left you dramatically different? When you make a genuine commitment to God, either for the first time, or to give yourself more fully to Him, He responds. For me at that point, God was responding to my step of faith by filling me with an abundant joy that I knew I didn’t manufacture on my own. I knew it came from Him. God did it, and He was glorified through it.

What step of faith is God leading you to take this week?

Even though taking a step of faith is risky and can be scary, just do it. God is faithful to meet you on the journey. And He will respond in ways that are more wonderful than you can imagine.

For a video version of this blog click here.

This post is part of a group blogging project celebrating the release of Inciting Incidents, a book featuring the stories of six creatives who share honestly about surviving life’s difficulties while attempting to do great things. Visit IncitingIncidents.Org to read an excerpt from the book, learn more about the authors or to share your story.

Treasures in Darkness

“When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.” I read that Persian Proverb several years ago as I was walking through a year-long wilderness journey of extremely high anxiety and panic attacks that came on out of nowhere. The anxiety was so high and so pervasive that I couldn’t even shake it when I was with close friends who I knew I could fall apart in front of, if needed. It led to a huge crisis of faith where I questioned if God was even real and if the Bible could be trusted. Much of the time I felt like I was hanging onto faith by a thread. God eventually led me out of that intense anxiety and taught me how to overcome it. Now I can honestly tell you that on the other side of it, I am thankful for the experience.

Treasure Hunting With God
In Isaiah 45:3 God says, “I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.” Only in walking through darkness–that wilderness–do we receive those secret treasures from God. There are certain things we only learn and experience while suffering.

My experience of anxiety tested my faith (proving it stronger on the other side); developed my character; gave me deep compassion for others in similar trials; and drew me closer to the heart of God. In the midst of what feels like darkness to us, we can be encouraged that even “darkness is as light” to God (Psalm 139:12). He sees everything. He is with you, no matter what “time of day” it is in your life.

Recently I listened to a sermon where the teacher suggested that perhaps the wilderness times in our lives are one of God’s favorite times to spend with us. Not because we’re suffering or are experiencing pain but because during those times we tend to draw even closer to the Father; to have our character refined causing us to resemble Jesus more and more; and we gain insights we never would have learned if we always stayed on the mountain top. And while suffering we also have the opportunity to fellowship with Jesus in a way that we cannot at any other time; to tap into just a small piece of what He suffered for us on the cross.

O My Strength, I Watch For You
One of my favorite verses in the Bible is written by David, who went through a very long wilderness experience before he became king. During that time he grew so close to God and learned to truly depend on Him for every need. David’s character, way of thinking, and the way he worshiped God were forever imprinted in a positive way because of that dark wilderness journey; a journey that prepared him to be king of God’s people. In Psalm 59:9-10 David writes:

“O my Strength, I watch for You; You, O God, are my fortress, my loving God.” 

Notice that David addresses God as His Strength and his fortress; and even in the midst of his trial David knows how kind and loving God is toward him. But here’s an interesting thing: David is watching for God to show up to help him. He is expectant. David knows that God will come through for him; he doesn’t doubt for a second. He knows from experience after experience that God will not fail him. Ever.

God Will Never Fail Us
God always wants to draw us to Himself. He wants us to rely fully on Him. He wants us to give up control to Him. So He will allow certain situations into our lives that accomplish just that: coming to the end of ourselves; not being able to control situations; having to fully lean and rely on and trust in Him. That can be a tough experience to live out daily. And that is where I was living while walking through anxiety. But the result of that experience is that I know that He is my Source. And I know now that God will not fail me. Ever. I don’t just mean I know it in my head. I mean I know it. Just like David, I know to look for God and expect Him to come through for me no matter what I am facing.

Be encouraged by that today if you are in the midst of groping your way through the darkness. God is with you. He is. Submit yourself to Him. Trust Him and watch for Him. There is treasure in the dark times, just as the stars are a treasure only visible to us at night.

I’m sharing this blog post as part of a synchroblog connected with the release of Ed Cyzewski and Derek Cooper’s new book Hazardous: Committing to the Cost of Following Jesus


Read other stories of faith here.



Your Faith Gives Me Strength

God is the source of our strength. He has limitless strength and is strong at all times; His strength is especially showcased in our weakness. We find strength when we seek Him. But there is another important way that God brings us strength.

Through our relationships.

God created us for relationship with Himself and with others. We need to be in healthy community to thrive. When we are in godly relationship with others we strengthen one another’s faith and encourage each other to keep going.

Your Faith Encourages Me
I have a friend who has been through many intense trials and yet in the midst of illness, stress and intense relational drama she clings to God with a faith that won’t budge. Even when the situation seems insurmountable and her questions remain unanswered, she keeps running forward in faith. She keeps seeking God, keeps worshiping Him, keeps following Him. She won’t give up. Her faith strengthens my faith and it gives me more strength to keep going when I am discouraged, because I think of how she keeps going.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” Hebrews 12:1

Jesus paved the way and set the example for us with His persevering faith; and we encourage others as we follow His example.

We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.” Hebrews 12:2

This Week…
+Take time to refresh a friend and spur them forward in faith!

+Even when you feel weak make a decision to keep going. God will use your faith to strengthen and encourage others.

+Be intentional about keeping your eyes on Jesus. Follow His example of joyful perseverance.

Encouragement From Psalm 121

If you are feeling discouraged, invisible, exhausted, confused…whatever it is, KNOW that God is with you always; protecting you and caring for you.

Psalm 121

I look up to the mountains—
does my help come from there?

My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth!

He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber.

Indeed, he who watches over Israel
never slumbers or sleeps.

The Lord himself watches over you!

The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade.

The sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon at night.

The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life.

The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go,
both now and forever.

Overcoming Fear of Commitment

I am a monthly contributor for Start Marriage Right. They have lots of helpful articles addressing all facets and stages of relationships. Today my new article, Overcoming Fear of Commitment, has been posted.

Here is an Excerpt:

Two months before walking down the aisle the fear hit. What if I’m making the wrong decision? What if God has someone else for me to marry and I misunderstood? What if I wake up the day after the wedding and think I’ve made a big mistake? Have you ever played the “what if” game? If so, you know it’s a losing battle. Many of us have wrestled with fear of commitment; especially when it comes to a serious life-long commitment like marriage. So, what do we do with that fear?

To keep reading click here. Or take a look at my other articles for Start Marriage Right:

Five Marriage Lessons From A Newlywed

How To Make Your Relationship Better

Learning to Forgive When We Feel Hurt

Are You Filling Up On Junk?

Every now and then I buy a bag of real potato chips. Since it’s an occasional treat I find that it’s easy for me to overindulge. The other morning before breakfast I thought, Mmm there are potato chips in the pantry! I’ll just eat a few to begin the day. I ate way too many felt full; so much so that when I made my standard healthy oatmeal I didn’t even want it. I had to force myself to eat it because I knew it was healthy, but since I had already filled up on junk food there wasn’t as much room in my stomach for the healthy food.

If we’re not disciplined it’s easy to do the same thing when it comes to spiritual matters, isn’t it? When I get up in the morning the first thing I want to do is turn on the news. I love current events and like to keep up to date. I’ll just watch the headlines, I think to myself, then I’ll turn off the TV and read the Bible and pray. If I’m not careful, some days “the headlines” turns into several hours of mindless TV, then I have to run off to my commitments, then I get home late and need to make dinner and if I get around to it I’ll read a chapter in the Bible before I go to bed, thinking, tomorrow I’ll spend more time with God. Uh…not if I turn the TV on first thing…

Giving God Our Left Overs
There are lots of days that I spend lots of time with God and choose Him first before anything else; worshiping, praying, listening, reading, seeking Him. Time with God isn’t just a box to check off my ‘to do’ list. He refreshes and renews me; encourages me and gives me insight….LIFE….when I am in that focused time with Him. I need it to thrive. And it’s a choice. But there are also days when I make the decision to put other things first; things that aren’t nearly as important; things that can wait. I fill up on the “junk food” and if God’s “lucky” I give Him my little bit of left over time late in the day.

When I start my day with God, I find that I feel more at peace and full of joy throughout the day. Tasks are easier to complete with a good outlook. When I start my day with junk and give God the left overs, my outlook and attitude are often junk, too.

What Do You Meditate On?
What are we listening to, thinking about, talking about, watching, reading, and spending our time doing? Are they things that honor God and help us toward honoring others?

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Philippians 4:8

It matters what we are putting into our minds because it goes into us and ends up in our hearts. And then that comes back out of our mouths, for better or worse.

“What you say flows from what is in your heart.” Luke 6:45 NLT


When we fill up on everything else but God why do we expect to be full of God? Do we assume the fruit of the Spirit will easily flow out of us when we are filling up on life-taking things rather than the Life-Giver? This week join me being intentional about filling up with God, not with junk. I think we’ll be surprised how much better we feel and how much more the intake of godly things produces a greater outflow of the Spirit through us!






Don’t Look Now But They’re Watching…

Well that figures,” I thought with a disappointed smile as I saw the teenage boy pull into a church, undoubtably for a youth group activity. Five minutes earlier this same teen had flipped me off as I changed lanes in front of his car. I didn’t cut him off, there was plenty of room but he was driving fast and had to slow down a little bit in order not to run into me. As he flipped me off I kind of laughed; he didn’t even look old enough to be driving. As I was inwardly attempting to bless instead of curse, he pulled into a church. The whole thing made me think about the message our actions give off as followers of Jesus.

Being An Example 24/7
Whether we like it or not, as Christians, people are watching us. They may not seem interested in Jesus but none the less they want to see if this Jesus-follower they know walks the walk or if they’re simply full of talk. Obviously no Christian is perfect and perfectionism is an unrealistic taskmaster to serve. We all blow it sometimes and thankfully we live under God’s grace. Besides, the point isn’t to try to be better, it’s to become more like Jesus, which will actually make us better people as a result.

At the same time, we have a responsibility to be aware that how we live—what we say and do on a daily basis—matters. A lot. Our words and actions show our character and if we claim to follow Jesus, it reflects on Him as well. I don’t know about you, but I want to do as little as possible to make Jesus look bad.

Walking the Walk
James talks about this “walking the walk” when he gives his insight that faith and works go hand in hand. Words need to be followed up by actions. Some might say that once you’ve done the action, you’ve earned the right to say the words. James also gives the example of the double mindedness we often display even with our words:

“Sometimes it (our tongue) praises our Lord and Father, and sometimes it curses those who have been made in the image of God. And so blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth. Surely, my brothers and sisters, this is not right!” (James 3:9-10)

We represent Jesus at all times; to our non-believing co-workers, family members, friends, strangers in line at the grocery check out. Are you rude to the clerk in the check out and then you get into a car with a bumper sticker that says “Jesus loves you”? Are you saying amen in church and then losing your temper at other drivers in the parking lot as you exit? Do you gossip or fudge the numbers at work and then invite your co-workers to church? If we’re not walking the walk people won’t take our faith seriously.

Isn’t This Risky for God?
It’s really radical that Jesus decided to advance His good news through a bunch of ragamuffins like us, isn’t it? Think about it for a minute, Jesus’ main plan for letting the world know about His love and redemption is through us. Even the first disciples were full of issues and contradictions at times. But this is how God chose to do it, and we need to take Him seriously.

When I read the Bible I am reminded that discipleship isn’t about working through a 5 step workbook; rather it’s about learning to model the behavior and values of a person you are trying to be like. A teacher models their behavior and character day in and day out based on how they live and the disciple then learns to model the behavior of their teacher. The first disciples lived with Jesus. They were almost always with Him. He lived His life in a way that honored God and He modeled that to His followers. They, in turn, learned how to live a life that honored God. This daily sharing of life is so important. Paul talks of it as well:

“We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.” (1 Thessalonians 2:8)

Are you living like Jesus? Are you modeling His example of seeking the Father, loving others, being gracious? When you look at your life would you want someone to emulate it or would it be an embarrassment? Remember that people are watching. Instead of letting that intimidate us, let’s use it this week to be spurred on toward becoming more and more like Jesus. That way anyone who sees us in action will be pointed to the good news of Jesus.

Breaking Chains

“This is really heavy. Maybe too heavy to wear for an extended time. But I’ll try it
anyway.” That’s what I was thinking the other day as I put on a beautiful necklace with large stones. I like the necklace a lot and got it as a souvenir in one of my favorite cities but I rarely wear it because after I bought it I realized that it’s a bit heavy sitting around my neck; especially for longer periods of time. It made me think about the bondages that often hold us down in life. Those things that keep us chained and in the proverbial pit. We notice the heaviness of those chains but how do we get free?

Isaiah 52 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible! God is calling His people out of captivity in Babylon. He is getting ready to deliver them from what has been oppressing them. That is something to celebrate! In verses 1-3 He says:

Awake, awake, Zion,
clothe yourself with strength! Put on your garments of splendor, Jerusalem, the holy city. The uncircumcised and defiled will not enter you again.

Shake off your dust; rise up, sit enthroned, Jerusalem.
Free yourself from the chains on your neck, Daughter Zion, now a captive. For this is what the Lord says: “You were sold for nothing, and without money you will be redeemed.”

I love how God tells His people exactly what they need to do. God is going to deliver them but they have a part to play, too. They have to make a decision to stand up, to get free, to walk into their true identity in God, and to get moving forward! In John Wesley’s commentary he notes this about the word “awake” — “This is a prediction and promise what she should do, that she should awake or arise out of her low estate, and be strong and courageous.” Matthew Henry adds, “The gospel proclaims liberty to those bound with fears. Let those weary and heavy laden under the burden of sin, find relief in Christ, shake themselves from the dust of their doubts and fears, and loose themselves from those bands. The price (is) paid by the Redeemer for our salvation…”

+What is holding you down? Is there a stronghold or invisible chain around your neck? Is it from past mistakes? Fear of moving forward? Hurtful, untrue words that shaped your thinking?

+Will you make a decision today to rise up, shake off the dust of victim thinking, break those unhealthy chains and move forward in Christ? If you don’t know where to begin, ask God to show you. He will. He wants you to be free!

God, You truly are our deliverer and You are able to break every chain that binds us so we can follow Your call to stand up and move forward into more and more of the abundant life that Jesus offers us (John 10:10). Help us to be strong and courageous as we make a decision to “awake” and partner with you as You deliver us from strongholds. Amen.

Clinging to God in the Midst of Sickness

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Recently I had the opportunity to interview Marcia Brown, who has fought through severe blood cancer and ongoing pain. Marcia shared a few of the lessons this battle taught her and her important advice for how others can encourage a loved one who is in the midst of sickness. Below are a couple of excerpts from our time together. You can read the full article here.

Do We Take Health for Granted?
While going through treatment Marcia began to realize just how many things in life we all take for granted. She pondered, “How many people take for granted the fact that they are able to walk?  It would not be common for a person to stop and think, “If I get out of bed today are my feet really going to take me where I want to go?” Or, “Will my spine hold my weight today?”   Until you face losing something, you usually take it for granted. There are so many things in life like that. Marcia commented that “it has been so eye opening to realize how many things—how many tiny things—we take for granted.”

How You Can Encourage A Sick Loved One
Some of the best things you can do for someone who is going through something like this are things that help them enjoy the life around them. Marcia suggests that you talk about things other than the illness.  She shares how she felt: “I wanted to feel normal and share the life of others instead of staying in the pit of mine.”  Some ideas on how to accomplish this are:

  • Call them just to say hello
  • Ask them for advice on a problem you are having
  • Talk about your own life and the things you’re learning & doing
  • Bring your kids over to play  (kids have a lot of LIFE in them)
  • Offer to take your loved one out for a drive
  • Come over and watch a movie with them
  • Take them for a short walk
  • If you bring a meal over, don’t just drop it off and leave.  Stay for 15 minutes and fellowship with them.  This will minister to the person’s emotional needs, as well as the physical.
  • Pray short prayers. God knows their needs!

Three Practical Ways to Remain in Christ

Don’t you love it when you’re reading the Bible and a verse just jumps out to you? That is one way God speaks to us! Yesterday I started reading through the short but often challenging 1 John and throughout the day I kept coming back to this verse:

“Your fellowship with God enables you to gain a victory over the Evil One.” (1 John 2:14, MSG)

Jesus, by His death and resurrection, has already overcome the Evil One (Satan). As God’s children we, too, have overcome the Evil One because we are under Jesus’ authority. But sometimes it’s easy to let the lies of the enemy slip in—and to believe them. I find that this is most common when we aren’t continually grounding ourselves in Jesus; when we aren’t remaining in Him.

What Does it Mean to “Remain”?
In John 15:4-5 Jesus says,“Live (Remain, Abide) in Me. Make your home in Me just as I do in you. In the same way that a branch can’t bear grapes by itself but only by being joined to the vine, you can’t bear fruit unless you are joined with Me. I am the Vine, you are the branches. When you’re joined with Me and I with you, the relation intimate and organic, the harvest is sure to be abundant. Separated, you can’t produce a thing.” 

The Greek word for “remain” in these verses is “meno” and translates “to remain, abide, stay, wait.” Just like the branch that stays connected to the healthy vine will bear grapes, in order to thrive and bear spiritual fruit we must remain closely connected to Jesus, the Vine, receiving the nutrients of His life-giving Spirit. We must fellowship with Him. We must remain in Him.

So, how do we remain in Jesus in the midst of the busyness of this world? We must be intentional! Our physical, emotional and spiritual health are depending on it. Here are three practical ways to remain.

Koinonia with God & Others
Koinonia is a Greek word that means “community, communion, joint participation, sharing and intimacy.” It’s essential for us to regularly have times of koinonia with God and with other believers. Sometimes it’s difficult to feel that God really is with us. Yet, as a follower of Jesus, God’s Spirit is living inside of us. He’s that close! Be intentional about talking to God throughout the day, just like He is sitting right next to you, because He’s right there! Think about Him. Pray and ask for what you need. Praise Him. Spend time encouraging other believers and being encouraged throughout the week in person. Or send a text. Pray for your friends. Write a quick note on Facebook. Even short words of encouragement to others have a huge impact!

Learn God’s Words
This is so important and yet even with all the easy access we have to the Bible there are many Christians who are Bible-illiterate. How can we fully know who God is and who He says we are if we don’t read what He has already given us in the Bible? This includes reading about the faith-building history of the people who came before us.

Jesus knew that knowing the words of God was so important. He refuted the lies of the enemy with the words of God. The Bible says the word of God is living and active. It brings refreshing. Shows you how to live. Teaches you who God is and who you are. It also says that Jesus is the Word of God. One translation of 1 John 2:14 says, “…and the word of God lives in you, and you have overcome the evil one” (NIV). The power of the word helps you overcome the enemy. Remaining in Christ helps you understand how to overcome the enemy.

Don’t Love the World’s Ways
1 John 2:15-17 cautions us, “Don’t love the world’s ways. Don’t love the world’s goods. Love of the world squeezes out love for the Father. Practically everything that goes on in the world—wanting your own way, wanting everything for yourself, wanting to appear important—has nothing to do with the Father. It just isolates you from Him. The world and all its wanting, wanting, wanting is on the way out—but whoever does what God wants is set for eternity.”

Those verses say it all. When we are more acquainted with the ways of the world than the ways of God, we can’t help but become more and more separated from Jesus. We have to choose to remain in Jesus while we live in the world, rather than putting worldly ways that go against the very teachings of Jesus at the forefront of our lives.

This week think on these things as you make a daily decision to remain in Jesus.